In the framework of the European School of Antennas (ESoA), we are pleased to announce the course on “ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS OF ANTENNA MEASUREMENT”, organised by the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2023) in the week 1 – 2 November 2023.
The course will take place with in-person attendance at the ISAP2023, located in Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur is ideally situated right in the heart of the city’s liveliest entertainment hub and most happening shopping districts.
How to perform antenna measurements smarter, faster, and better: This ISAP/ESoA course about Fundamentals and Applications of Antenna Measurements course will address the main challenges of antenna measurement, including the use of the novel post-processing techniques. It includes a comprehensive presentation of antenna measurement techniques, beginning with a review of the more traditional methods, and extending into more innovative antenna measurement technologies, in particular, the special techniques for 5G, automotive and MIMO systems.
ESoA is part of the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), which is an international not-for-profit Association with a scientific, educational and technical purpose, registered in Brussels, Belgium, under European law.
Day 1. Wednesday 1st, 2023. Fundamentals of Antenna Measurements

Day 2. Thursday 2nd, 2023. Applications of Antenna Measurements

Registration Fee
Non-Conference Participant/presenter: USD 10.00 / RM50.00
Registration Link
Link for registration: Click Here
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be made in writing to ISAP2023 (isap2023@apmttemc.org).
Cancellations received:
- on or before October 15, 2023, will incur a cancellation penalty equal to 10% of the total registration fee.
- on or after October 16, 2023, will incur a cancellation penalty equal to 100% of the registration fee.
Any refunds will be dealt with after the conference.
Workshop Brochure
Speaker Biography

Lars Jacob Foged was born in Denmark in 1966. He received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology, USA in 1990. He is currently Scientific Director of the Microwave Vision Group. Since 2004, he was secretary and now vice-chair of the IEEE Antenna Standards Committee. He was vice chair of the APS/SC IEEE std 149 working group and currently the chair of the APS/SC IEEE std1720 working group. In 2016/2017 he led the Industry Initiatives Committee (IIC) of IEEE APS. He is involved in the evolution of IEC standards on Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields since 2010. He was member of the EURAAP Delegate Assembly and responsible for the Working Group on Antenna Measurements from 2009 to 2012. He was Vice-Chair of the EUCAP conference in both 2011 and 2022, Industrial Chair in 2012, 2014, 2017, and Technical Program Chair in 2016 and 2021. He is Board Member and course organizer in the European School of Antennas (ESOA) since 2006. He is Board Member, Fellow and Distinguished Achievement Award recipient of AMTA. He has authored or co-authored more than 300 journal and conference papers on antenna design and measurement topics and received the “Best Technical Paper Award” at the 2012 AMTA symposium and the “Best Measurement Paper Award” at the EUCAP 2021 conference.

Manuel Sierra Castañer was born in 1970 in Zaragoza (Spain). He obtained the degree of Telecommunication Engineering in 1994 and the PhD in 2000, both from Technical University of Madrid (UPM). He worked for the cellular company Airtel since 1995 to 1997, since 1997 to 1998 for the University “Alfonso X”. Since 1998 he is at Technical University of Madrid, getting the Full Professor in 2017. He has been visitor researcher in Tokyo Tech and EPFL at different times. His current research interests are in planar antennas and antenna measurement techniques. Prof. Sierra-Castañer obtained, among other awards, the IEEE APS 2007 Schelkunoff Prize paper Award for “Dual-Polarization Dual-Coverage Reflectarray for Space Applications”. Currently, he is Senior member of the IEEE and Fellow of AMTA Society for his contributions to Antenna Measurement Theory. He has been member of the EurAAP board of directors since 2016 to 2021, becoming vice-chair during the last three years. He is also member of the Board of European School of Antennas, organizing courses in Madrid, Paris, Shanghai and Beijing, and teaching courses in Aalto University. Manuel Sierra has been involved in the organization of European Conferences on Antennas and Propagation, being the general chair of EuCAP2022, in 2022 edition in Madrid. He is the dean of the UPM Telecommunication Engineering School since May 2021.
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