The list of Plenary speakers at the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2023).
31st OCTOBER 2023
PS1: Plenary Session 1 – IEEE AP-S YP Ambassador
Manhattan II
8.00AM – 10.00AM

Role of Electromagnetic Simulations in Commercial Product Design
CJ Reddy

Recent Advances of Multi-Beam Conformal Transmitarrays at University of Technology Sydney
Peiyuan Qin

Investigating Plasmons in Van der Waal Heterostructures
Hasan Abbas

An Overview on Nature Inspired Planar Broadband
Situ Rani Patre; Surya P Singh
PS2: Plenary Session 2 – IEEE AP-S YP Ambassador
Bronx VI
8.00AM – 10.00AM

Synthesizing Pattern for Arm-Worn Smartwatch GPS Antenna Based on Characteristic Modes
Hui Li; Wenrui Zheng

Millimeter-Wave Display-Integrated FMCW Radar for Hand Gesture Recognition in Mobile Devices
Jin Myeong Heo; Seungbin Kim; Kyuho Lee; Kiseo Kim; Jaeuk Choi; Gangil Byun

Massive MIMO Channel Sounder for Sub-THz Based on Virtual Array Concept
Wei Fan; Yejian Lyu; Kim Olesen

Compact Beamforming Antennas for Directional Modulation in IoT
Adam Narbudowicz; Abel Abdul Zandamela
PS3: Plenary Session 3
Bronx V
8.00AM – 10.00AM

Multilayer S/X-Band Array Antenna for Shipborne Radar Applications
Hosung Choo

New Active and Reconfigurable Butler Matrix for 5G
Taleb Mohamed Benaouf; Abdelaziz Hamdoun; Mohamed Himdi; Olivier Lafond; Hassan Ammor

Independent Permittivity Sensor Based on Dual T-Shaped Resonator for Solid Material Characterization
Syah Alam; Zahriladha Zakaria; Indra Surjati; Noor Azwan Shairi; Mudrik Alaydrus; Teguh Firmansyah

Ground Station Antenna Elements for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Tracking Applications
Chinmoy Saha; Sandip Roy
PS4: Plenary Session 4
Manhattan II
10.10AM – 12.40PM

Radiation Field From a Metaloop Antenna With a Traveling-Wave Current
Hisamatsu Nakano

Multi-Sector Yagi-Uda Antenna for 28GHz Indoor Base Station Antenna
Hiroyuki Arai; Yuki Inoue; Yasuko Kimura

Development Progress on Self-Oscillating Circularly-Polarized Active Integrated Antennas for Internet of Things Applications
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma

A New Circuit-Type Multibeam Antenna Array Employing Generalized Joined Coupler Matrix
Y. Jay Guo

Cognitive Manipulation of Wireless Channel Matrix Using Software-Driven Electromagnetic Skins for mmWave and Sub-THz
Youngno Youn; Daehyeon Kim; Myeonggin Hwang; Donggeun An;Minkyung Kim; Bumhyun Kim; Wonbin Hong
PS5: Plenary Session 5
Manhattan II
14.30PM – 16.30PM

Superdirective Unidirectional Mixed-Multipole Antenna Designs
Richard W Ziolkowski

Broadband Waveguide Transitions and Loss Measurement Technique of Planar Transmission Lines in Millimeter-Wave Band
Kunio Sakakibara; Shumpei Kishi; Azuki Iwamoto; Yoshiki Sugimoto; Takanori Narita; Nobuyoshi Kikuma

3-D Printed Multifunctional Dielectric Lens Antennas Based on Gradient-Index Fiber Concept for Beam-Steering and Imaging Applications
Wenyi Shao; Qiang Chen

Estimation of Undersea Localization Using Electromagnetic Waves
Masaharu Takahashi
PS6: Plenary Session 6
Manhattan II
16.40PM – 18.10PM

A Wideband Fat Dipole Antenna Integrated With Solar Cells for Internet of Things Applications
Heesu Wang; Ahmed Ali; Ikmo Park

Interdigital CPW Metamaterial Surfaces for Modern Wireless Communication Systems
Pongsathorn Chomtong; P. Krachodnok; Nonchanutt Chudpooti; Prayoot Akkaraekthalin

Electromagnetic Metasurfaces for 5G-And-Beyond Networks
Ali Ali; Ali Araghi; AmirMasood Bagheri; Salman Behboudi Amlashi; Vikrant Singh; Demos Serghiou; Anton Tishchenko; Seyed Ehsan Hosseininejad; Mohsen Khalily
PS6: Plenary Session 7
Bronx VI
16.40PM – 18.10PM

FDTD Method Analysis of Moving Antennas Above Rough Surface
Takuji Arima; Ryo Yamaguchi; Kazuma Tomimoto; Toshiki Hozen

Design and Characterization of Intelligent Devices and Environments for Wireless Communications
Andrés Alayón Glazunov

Design of Miniaturized Folded Dipole Integrated On-Chip Antenna for 5.8GHz Application
Ahmadu Girgiri; Mohd Fadzil Ain; Bello Abdullahi Muhammad; Abdullahi SB Mohammed
PS6: Plenary Session 8
Bronx V
16.40PM – 18.10PM

Scalable and Connector-Less 3D Antenna Arrays
Ville Viikari; Matti Kuosmanen; Jaakko Haarla; Henri Kähkönen; JuhaAla-Laurinaho; Jari Holopainen

Ultra-Wideband MIMO Antenna Array for mm-Wave 5G Applications
Sharul Kamal A. Rahim; Sabah Ghadeer; Taha Elwi

Non-Contact Radio Frequency Level Sensor Based on Wheeler Cap
Prakorn Pratoomma; Abel Abdul Zandamela; Adam Narbudowicz; Suramate Chalermwisutkul